Dr. Robert Briskin
By Daniel Casciato
South Florida Hospital News
In December, Dr. Robert Briskin, founder of VIP Primary Care Associates, P.A., across from the Jupiter Medical Center, attended the National Physicians Coun cil for Healthcare Policy meeting sponsored by Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX).
Dr. Briskin was invited by the Council’s leadership to join the council due to his life-long commitment to improving the lives of patient and doctors. He currently serves as the only internist from Florida on the Council.
“There are certain things that make the practice of medicine very difficult for physicians right now,” says Dr. Briskin. “A lot of that is due to government overreach. They want to bring down the cost of healthcare, but are imposing certain things that eat up the physician’s time.”
The National Physicians Council for Healthcare Policy was founded in 2014 under the leadership of Drs. Marcy Zwelling of California and John Gill of Washington, DC, under the auspices of Congressman Pete Sessions. It consults with and advises members of Congress on various healthcare issues, such as the new Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) implementation as well as private-sector modifications/alternatives to the Affordable Care Act (ACA).